
Dobrodošli Tinker Labs!

Tinker Labs nudi edinstven STEAM pristop, kateri vključuje znanost, tehnologijo, inženirstvo, umetnost in matematiko, eksperimente in praktično učenje, kateri je potreben za prihodnji uspeh vsakega otroka.

Začni video




Učencev v skupini


lekcij v šolskem letu


poskusov na šolsko leto


STEAM pojmov

Tinker Labs Metoda

Izziv Asset 11

Raziskave Asset 12

Rešitev Asset 13

Vrednote Asset 14

Faced with the challenge of the education system that still does not meet the needs of modern teaching, we have designed programs that introduce students to the world of science, technology, engineering, art and mathematics.

  • Children’s natural curiosity still does not find appropriate programs in schooling.
  • With an individual approach in small groups, we enable each child to discover their potential and become interested in the occupations of the future.

We started research for the Tinker Labs program a few years ago, noting the shortcomings of standard school education in the examples of our environment.

  • Based on research, the first Tinker Labs pilot program was launched in the fall of 2016 to prove that the idea of ​​learning STEAM through an experimental approach is key to the success of children’s understanding of science and technology.

The extremely positive results of the pilot program after the first school year at Tinker Labs proved to us that the learning potential in our environment is great and that both students and parents were extremely satisfied with the positive effect that learning at Tinker Labs left on the child’s self-confidence.

  • The learning outcome has long-term consequences on children and shapes their affinity for different sciences and their application in everyday life.

Our students already develop the skills for a critical approach to various problems when learning about the Tinker Labs method, something we call “Tinker Labs lenses”.

  • We learn how to look at a subject through an integrated STEAM problem-solving approach
  • Designed to bring a holistic and integrated approach to critical thinking and problem solving
  • Encouraging characteristics that go beyond defined school subjects

Starši o Tinker Labs

Bistvenega pomena nam je mišljenje vseh staršev, ki so se odločili svojemu otroku ponuditi super izobraževalno izkušnjo, katero Tinker Labs ponuja.


Tinker Labs ustvarja pozitivno akademsko okolico katera je podprta s kreativnostjo, samozavestjo in vztrajnostjo otroka.


Prepletene teme iz znanosti, tehnologije, inženirstva, umetnosti in matematike.


Edinstveno zamišljeni pedagoški projekti, učbeniki in rekviziti ustvarjeni da navdihnejo „Eureka“ trenutek.


Vsak tečaj je obogaten s štirimi ali več učbeniki, ki vključujejo enciklopedijska znanja in zabavne aktivnosti.


Usmerjajo vaše otroke skozi radost odkrivanja v srcu učenja.


Vsak tečaj je obogaten s štirimi ali več učbeniki, ki vključujejo enciklopedijska znanja in zabavne aktivnosti. Edinstveno zamišljeni pedagoški projekti, učbeniki in rekviziti ustvarjeni da navdihnejo „Eureka“ trenutek.


Modularni prostori ki spodbujajo razmišljanje in sodelovanje.